How to Stop Wrestling with Your Eating and Make Radical, Lasting Weight and Health Shifts.
For much of my 53 years of life I struggled with food. At 14 I felt pudgy and embarrassed about my waistline. At 16 I first looked at my body size with anger and decided to do something about it ‘once and for all’. Since my mid-twenties I have been variously 30 to 50 pounds overweight, and although I may have been good at hiding my distress from others, deep inside it has always painfully bothered me. It has negatively affected my self-esteem, self-image and emotional positivity, my fitness, activity levels and lifestyle choices. It has compromised my confidence in relationships and in intimacy. It eventually affected my health.
I tried a multitude of diets and made many ‘firm decisions’ to exercise regularly and get fit. The results of both were limited and temporary, and inevitably I ultimately fell back into a disheartening internal battle between what ‘I’ wanted to eat and what my body really needed – and resumed the struggle, eating more and doing less until my weight crept back up to, and normally beyond, their previous levels. Each time I determined to ‘get serious’ seemed more hopeless than the last. It seemed that there would be no end to the struggle – until last year, when I discovered some truly extraordinary health secrets!
I decided to adapt and apply the techniques of the profoundly transformative Journeywork I had been working with and teaching for the previous 16 years to my eating issues, my weight and fitness – and the results have been astonishing! My core relationship with food, and consumption in general, has fundamentally shifted. I no longer ‘crave’ and particular type of foods, and there has been a natural internal realignment so that what I want to eat is what my body needs to make and keep it healthy. My food fight has stopped. My weight has effortlessly fallen away, and my natural desire to move and exercise has soared. I feel fitter, healthier and lighter in my being, as well as in weight.
It’s the specific techniques I used, and which others successfully used at last October's Radical health Retreat in Denver - techniques tailored and refined to clear out the root cause of unhealthy eating and drinking issues - that I will be offering in a series of brand new three-day Stop the Food Fight workshops in the USA, Europe and Australia this year.
Diets alone are hopelessly ineffective in the long term, they can even be health damaging – and most of us already know this. But what most of us do not clearly realize – even though we often get a general sense of it – is that our addictions to particular foods (and they often really are addictions) are driven by deep and sometimes long-forgotten emotional issues – emotionally charged memories and conditioned patterns from long ago that have somehow stuck with us and which continue to silently sabotage us by driving unhealthy and unwanted automatic behavior patterns to the surface in our lives. No matter how much we wish and will ourselves to change our ways, it remains incredibly difficult or even impossible to make definitive and lasting change until we face, address and resolve the underlying old conditioning… so that is exactly what we will be doing!
Scientific research is increasingly catching up with the fact that our seemingly rational choices and decisions in life are entirely (yes, entirely!) driven by deeper emotional impulses. In fact, it is only the deep and ancient parts of our brain, the parts that give rise to our emotions and instinctual responses, that are capable of making decisions – our ‘thinking’ brain merely interprets and justifies what has already been decided at a deeper, more primal level. It makes sense when you stop to consider how often your basic inner desires and impulses win out and override your thinking mind’s ‘better judgment’, how often you act in ways that you soon come to regret!
So, if we want real and lasting change – in any area of our life – we must be willing to look beneath the surface, and rather than tinkering with our difficulties at a superficial level, we need to go much deeper… we need to pull them out by the roots. And this is the opportunity we will offer at the Stop the Food Fight workshops. This is not a course for the casual nor the purely analytical person (if you could have figured out how to deal with your eating and weight issues, you would have already done so by now!), but if you are willing to stop, open and face your underlying issues, if you are willing to get very real with yourself and begin telling a deeper truth, Stop the Food Fight offers what is possibly the most effective approach available anywhere for you to create the lasting lifestyle shifts you have long promised yourself.
It will undoubtedly take an amount of courage and emotional availability. It will certainly take a degree of honest admission. And if you have those things, or even just the genuine intention to find those things within yourself, the results promise to be radical and profound.
The workshops will be highly supported by trainers experienced and skilled in all the techniques we will be using, so you can relax and know that you will be safely in good and caring hands.
So… if you are ready to make some real and lasting changes, ready to step into a new and healthy way of seeing and feeling life, ready to shed some pounds and keep them shed, come and join us at Stop the Food Fight – it could be the change of your life!
Full Disclosure: What It Is And What It Is Not.
Stop the Food Fight is not:
Full Disclosure: What It Is And What It Is Not.
· Another diet or novel eating regime.
· A false promise, quick fix mega-weight loss gimmick.
· A food supplement or ‘fat burning miracle’ program.
· A ‘money back guaranteed’ promise that you’ll end up with the looks of a film star of the athleticism of an Olympian.
Stop the Food Fight is:
· A highly effective method of getting to the root cause of unhealthy over- or under-eating behaviors – and clearing out the deep seated conditioned and emotional drivers of those patterns.
· A potent way to deeply resolve long-standing issues such as low self-esteem, poor self-image, lack of willpower, procrastination, insecurity, anxiety, emptiness and lots more.
· A powerful new way of creating healthy, liberating and lasting lifestyle and health shifts – shifts that will allow you to reach and maintain your goals in weight, fitness and overall health.
· A series of techniques you’ll learn that you will take away with you so you can continue to improve your health in all areas.
· A way to dive into the deeper, wiser part of you – the healing essence of you – and to create alignment and effortlessness in many areas of your life.
· The best way we know of to end the eating battle, to once and for all Stop the Food Fight.
Places are strictly limited, so call us right away at your local Journey office (or check out the details on our web site - to find out dates for the USA, Europe and Australia workshops... and secure your place. There is a great price offer for the first 50 people who book on to each event.
I look forward to seeing you there.
With warmest regards,