I’ve now been offering the Visionary Leadership Programme around the world for three years, and have become passionate about sharing it because the results have been so extraordinary. The seminars' participants have been delighted that the work has reached them so freshly, has been so innovative and effective that they have transformed their lives massively – in very practical and measurable ways – and no matter how much previous Journeywork (or other transformational work) they had done.
The Visionary Leadership Programme is entirely different in focus and approach from The Journey’s Practitioner Programme, and it produces very different results. A couple of weeks ago on of our Australian Journey Practitioners emailed to ask me why someone should participate in it. I thought my reply might be of interest to you, so here it is in slightly edited form…
“Here's the thing with VL... I had done loads of Journeywork over the previous 13 years (and prior to that a huge amount of other personal growth work), and had seen amazing transformation over that time... and yet I found I had plateaued in my growth, was getting similar results with my process work, and was infrequently experiencing dramatic shifts except for time-to-time revelations of something I had not yet encountered. And when I asked myself the question, "After all this time, are you honestly living as a full expression of Truth? Are you living in your fullest potential? Are you really living 'on fire', totally surrendered? Is Life using every bit of you?" The answer was a resounding "No!"
I recognised that I was still playing games: still hiding out and playing small, and still self-justifying and excuse-making. I was still deeply afraid of making mistakes and failing. I still played games of victim, blame and defence. I still clung to masses of old conditioning as emotional cover-ups... beliefs, vows, rules and values that were unhealthy and sabotaged me. I still compulsively used control strategies to avoid my fears. I still collapsed in the face of adversity, and I still sought the approval of others to the detriment of purposeful right action... there are so many examples of the ways in which I was still 'hooked'.
So the VL work was born out of a strong prayer to clear out the specific blocks that kept me small, less than fully potentialised, still living with the conditioning that I had long identified as unhealthy and counter-productive. And the result - for me and for hundreds around the world who have participated in the programme - is that I am unrecognisable from the man I was three years ago... I feel as if the old patterns have lost their grip on me, like I am living truly on purpose, totally fulfilled, and that I am being used by Life in ways that I could not have even dreamed possible that short time ago. I feel like Life is using so much more of me than I ever dared hope was available.
This is work not only for people who want to become business, organisational or political leaders. It is for everyone. We ALL lead, simply because we influence those around us... our loved ones, our friends and our social contacts, our colleagues, our bosses, our sports partners, etc., etc. We influence many people, whether we admit it or not... and much of this influence is in play before we even open our mouths, because our presence is already speaking volumes.
· The first question is, "Are you living as an expression of authentic greatness, as a FULL expression of the genius inside?"
· The second question is, "Do you have the desire to be a better influence on those around you, on your loved ones, your community, on society, on your country, on the world?"
That's what the Visionary Leadership Programme is all about.
The VL programme recognises that our existing models of leadership – both personal and institutional – are flawed, fear based, ego-driven, broken, and it offers an alternative... an invitation to authentic positive influence, born from self-inquiry, honesty and a depth of clarity. It's an alternative based in true freedom.
If anyone recognises the imperative of this authentic alternative, or truly longs to Be the change the world needs, or wants to be fully expressed, fully potentialised, or if they simply want to become a genuinely better person (as I often have)... then they should do all they can to come to Visionary Leadership.”
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